In multi-level marketing business there is a well known International MLM plan, Matrix Plan which is also known as Forced Matrix MLM Plan or Ladder Plan..
The MLM tree organized in a pyramid pattern in fixed width and depth
The member who joins into the matrix plan gets compensated when they recruits new members according to the level set by the MLM plan..
The MLM Company can set the tree structure that may be 3 in width and 10 in depth i.e. each member can recruits 3 new members in their width front line and get benefited up to the 10 levels.
In matrix MLM plan the width is limited so the upline need to motivate their downline to get benefited and the network grows drastically.
The MLM Company can set their level bonus structure according to their MLM business compensation plan to motivate or attract customers for sale of products and increase network structure.
Types : 2 matrix , 3 matrix , 4 matrix , 5 matrix , 10 matrix , with limited levels.Image
♻Customized Matrix MLM Plan in which your compensation plan can be integrated.
♻When downline works upline gets benefited according to their levels, so the upline always motivate their downline to grow their network.
♻MLM Matrix plan is easy to understand and explain the concept of MLM Plans. Therefore, MLM company representatives and networkers easily motivate their downline.
♻The MLM Matrix Plan is flexible through which MLM Company can extend their Matrix tree width according to their compensation plan.
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